A successful program...
Calls for a knowledgeable team of enthusiastic pros, brimming with creative solutions to today’s marketing challenges. With expert account direction and award-winning copy and design,
the Needs to Leads team is at your service.

Bob Green
President  & Creative Director

Bob parlayed his Amherst degree and Army Intelligence training into a job as an award-winning copywriter on Madison Avenue, and spent a decade there as a real Mad Man before moving to Saatchi agency in upstate NY. He was a co-founder and creative director of Saatchi Direct, and since 1995 has been the President and Creative Director of The Verdi Group. Bob has worked on international clients whose names begin with every letter of the alphabet. In financial services, he has won many awards for banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms.

Mary Bonaccio
Director of Client Services

Helping banks with sales challenges to shatter previous campaign results, Mary has worked with nearly a dozen financial clients including Citibank, Chase, ESL, Excellus, First County Bank and Five Star Bank.  She has helped many of these clients surpass their expectations and grow their business with inventive approaches to key challenges. Mary prides herself on developing long-term client relationships. You’ll get a partner who’s in it for the long haul, with the intent to make you and your programs a huge success.

Jeff Hughes
Strategy and Analysis

Jeff is responsible for Needs to Lead's strategy development, market research and analytics. He also serves as a partner at CCRG, a customer care and business process outsourcing firm. Prior to Needs to Leads he was Managing Director/Chief Strategy Officer at Mosaic Marketing, a leading financial services customer communications and direct marketing agency. He began his career at M&T Bank, serving in several marketing and product management roles.

Jennifer Eckl
Account Executive

As your day-to-day contact for all project details and deliverables, Jennifer will work with you to ensure that campaigns progress and execute seamlessly, on time and on budget. She has experience with customer acquisition for consumer banking, business event marketing, customer onboarding, branding, and foundation programs, and currently works on First County Bank and Five Star Bank.

Needs to Leads is a product of The Verdi Group.